The personal lives of the protagonists begin to spiral out of control. Trevor, who now lives in a trailer park on the outskirts of Los Santos and believes Michael was killed in their failed robbery, hears of the heist and realises that it was Michael's handiwork the two reunite, against Michael's will, after Trevor tracks down Michael's home. With the help of Michael's old friend Lester, a crippled hacker, they perform a jewellery shop heist to pay off the debt. Michael returns to a life of crime to obtain the money, enlisting Franklin as an accomplice. The owner turns out to be the girlfriend of Martin Madrazo, a Mexican drug lord who demands compensation to avoid further violence. When Michael finds his wife Amanda sleeping with her tennis coach, he and Franklin chase the coach to a mansion, which Michael destroys in anger. Across town, gangbanger Franklin Clinton is working for corrupt Armenian car salesman Simeon Yetarian, and meets Michael while attempting to fraudulently repossess his son's car the two later become friends. Nine years later, Michael is living under witness protection with his family in Los Santos, under the alias Michael De Santa. Michael Townley, Trevor Philips, and Brad Snider partake in a botched robbery in Ludendorff, North Yankton.